Dr- Eugene Charles

What is Applied Kinesiology Muscle Testing and How Does it Work?

"How did my muscle just get stronger when you pressed on my spine?"

This is a common question that patients, especially athletes who tend to know their bodies very well, will ask their Applied Kinesiologist.

When you experience your first examination and treatment with a doctor who specializes in Applied Kinesiology (AK) it seems impossible that your muscles will test at apparently different strengths in a matter of seconds. The reason this is possible is that Applied Kinesiologists are not measuring your muscle's strength... they are measuring your muscle's function. This reading of your muscle function can change just like your blood pressure measurement can change depending on current stimuli. (i.e. White Coat Syndrome)

Not knowing that a muscle test performed by a trained Applied Kinesiologist is NOT a strength test and actually represents a reading of your nervous system and therefore can change immediately is where much of the misunderstanding of AK stems from!

This Introduction to Applied Kinesiology Video is meant for doctors. However, I think you will find it illuminating. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgEyZXnqqpk

You might find it interesting to know how this innovative and growing healthcare discipline can improve your health and help you to live pain-free.  Here is my explanation of What is Applied Kinesiology Muscle Testing and How Does it Work?

"Applied Kinesiology (AK) muscle testing represents a window into your overall health. Instead of using manual muscle testing as a measure of 'disability,' your Applied Kinesiologist uses muscle testing as a measure of 'ability'.

Before AK, the results of muscle strength testing were thought to be static like seeing a fracture on an x-ray. In 1964, Dr George Goodheart’s breakthrough discovery was that muscle 'weakness' was not necessarily a pathological problem, but could be a functional one.

When used as part of a thorough examination by a doctor certified in Applied Kinesiology, manual muscle testing can be a diagnostic tool as a dynamic measure of relative function not as a static label of absolute disability.

  Not only can muscle testing indicate the proper therapy to treat a specific musculoskeletal condition, but Applied Kinesiologists eventually found it could be a predicator of overall health.

  AK muscle testing magnifies the depth of the meaning of the muscle test similar to what a microscope does to the magnifying glass; it reveals more of what is happening deep in your physiology. This is why AK manual muscle testing can find health issues that many other less refined diagnostic tests may miss. A problem cannot exist unless a solution also exists and AK Muscle Testing may find the solution to what is causing your problem when it doesn't show up on x-rays, MRIs or blood tests."

Best of Health,

Dr. Eugene Charles


To find an applied kinesiologist in your area go to:

http://www.charlesseminars.com/AKdoctors.html OR http://www.icakusa.com

Doctors can begin to learn the AK Certification Course through either:

DVD Training -http://www.charlesseminars.com/producs.html


Online Courses- https://drcharlesonline.com

When Should You Call 911?

A patient called my office asking for an appointment for sharp chest pain. He left a message saying that I helped a friend of his who had similar symptoms. I recalled that in the case of his friend I discovered upon examination that one of his ribs on the left side of his ribcage was subluxated (misaligned slightly - as opposed to a dislocated or broken rib). Through a precise chiropractic adjustment I was able to get the rib moving properly and the sharp pain was immediately relieved. Unlike his friend, who is a long time patient of mine, I had no idea why this man was having sharp left sided chest pain and I recommended he immediately go to the Emergency Room to rule out a heart attack or other potentially serious condition. I related that if it is a rib not moving properly, like I diagnosed on his friend (my patient) then yes, he might have wasted his time going to the ER. However, if it was not a rib problem and something more serious...then NOT going to the ER could kill him!

He angrily hung up and we never heard from him again.

Unknown-1.jpegYou breathe about 20,000 times a day so a subluxated rib is incredibly painful and can mimic a heart attack; however, since DEATH is a lot harder to fix than a rib problem... common sense dictates that he should go to the ER and make sure he is not experiencing a more ominous condition - then we can move on to the more easily fixable rib problem.

Incidentally, the same rib deep breathing exercise that is so helpful for Hiatal Hernias (GERD, acid reflux) is also great for rib problems. Do 3 repetitions 3 times a day for excellent posture and rib health. Remember, your heart and lungs sit in the rib cage. See the exercise here:  https://charlesseminars.wordpress.com/2016/12/01/digestive-problems-hiatal-hernia/

Let me share with you a story that illustrates the urgency of this point. The father of one of my closest friends (a renown physicist) was lecturing in Europe. He complained about chest pain and his wife said,"Go to sleep and we will go the hospital in the morning." There was no morning... he died in his sleep. I want you to have a morning and not a mourning. When in doubt... always error on the side of caution. Call 911 when you feel chest pain, shortness of breath, blurry vision or any symptoms that you have never had before.

For more information about when to call 911 - WebMD has a great slide show you can look at  - http://view.messages.webmd.com/?qs=d5d9d57f26f1f434c3d551ada9f8dfa6ce2b6585de68926ec0da315217120e73dc45dd34c5b063a1a09ed10362a80a663529a29e54b54d2e9b01c9d33324b7ad979a9a4259b3fe2e

To a healthy and long life,

Dr. Eugene Charles




Daylight Savings and the Pineal Gland

Daylight Savings Time ended this past week. This means along with adjusting the clocks in your house it is TIME for you to come in and have your "internal clock" adjusted - this clock is known as your Pineal Gland. The Pineal makes melatonin and controls your internal rhythm and helps with sleep and wakefulness, mood, hormone balance and energy levels.


NOTE: It is also a good idea to have your internal clock calibrated whenever you fly between time zones!

Chiropractic / Applied Kinesiology (AK) Approach

When you come in for your exam your doctor can either block light from your eyes or apply a mild pressure to your jaw…if either one causes you to weaken you may need your Pineal adjusted. This is done with a very simple chiropractic alignment to your jawbone (mandible).

One treatment usually corrects the condition. You may need the mineral Zinc also.

  *If you or someone you know is feeling “off” since the changing of the clocks; have them come in and see if we can help you...and them get back in rhythm and feeling in a better MOOD.

The Pineal Gland controls sleep and remember you HEAL when you sleep. I believe sound sleep the ultimate anti-aging elixir.

**You can get into a “ slump” just like any athlete. When people get their Pineal Gland adjusted they often say that things seems to start flowing better and some even go so far to say that they feel LUCKIER!

  ***Lastly, according to the research below... adjusting the Pineal might help with weight loss; along with Dr. Charles’ Weight Loss Recipe.


Can Bright Light at Night Lead to Obesity? By Lisa Rapaport March 11, 2016

(Reuters Health) - Obesity rates may surge in places where artificial lights blaze all night compared to communities where people tend to live in darkness after the sun goes down, a recent study suggests.

To explore this connection, researchers analyzed U.S. military satellite images of nighttime illumination around the globe and country-level data from the World Health Organization (WHO) on the prevalence of overweight and obese people.

Artificial light at night contributed to excessive weight in men and women about as much as eating junk food, the research team reports in the International Journal of Obesity, online February 23.

"Because of artificial light at night, we often eat in the wrong time, that is, after the natural dusk, when metabolic processes slow down," said N.A. Rybnikova of the University of Haifa in Israel.

The study doesn't prove light bulbs cause obesity, and scientists aren't yet certain how lamps or the glow from gadgets like tablets and televisions might influence how much people weigh, researchers caution.

But it's possible artificial light might contribute to obesity by suppressing the production of melatonin, which helps regulate sleep cycles. (from the Pineal Gland)

These lights may also contribute to what's known as social jet lag, or disruption of the body's natural circadian rhythms that happens when people sleep and wake at times that are at odds with their internal biological clocks.

For women and men, higher birth rates appear to be one of the stronger predictors of excess weight and obesity.

Urbanization, as well as calorie intake of oils, fats and carbohydrates also appear to predict excessive weight in men and women alike. Consuming more roots and tubers was linked to a lower likelihood of excessive weight, the study also found.

Together with variables like eating habits and exercise levels, nighttime light explains up to about 73% of the variation in rates of excess weight and obesity in women and up to 68% in men, the study found.

The study builds on earlier research linking excessive weight to the use of tiny screens and other sources of light in bedrooms at night, the authors note.

"The evidence that exposure to artificial light at night is associated with metabolic disturbances is continuing to accumulate," said Laura Fonken, a researcher at the University of Colorado who wasn't involved in the study.

"Overall, it seems that there aren't any downsides to trying to keep a consistent sleep schedule and avoid nighttime light exposure," Fonken added by email.

"Anything to improve one's 'sleep hygiene' like reducing light and noise at night should help improve sleep quality, and this may help your body work more efficiently," Karatsoreos added.

"We seem to be finally waking up to the realization that disrupted sleep and biological rhythms are associated with many health problems, including metabolic disruption, obesity, and cardiovascular disease," Karatsoreos said.

Int J Obesity 2016.

******************************************** Dr. Charles’ Lemons and Black Coffee as Weight Loss Aids

"I have a theory that bitter and sour taste bud stimulation helps digestion and weight loss. Whereas, it looks to me that sugary and salty foods promote weight gain. (Actually this should be pretty obvious to everyone by now) Please take this with a grain of salt, actually skip the salt if you are looking to lose weight, and strive to stimulate your bitter and sour taste buds by:

  1. Sucking on a lemon 3 times a day and putting lemon in your water with meals. (Real lemonade SHOULD be sour)
  2. Drinking black coffee (No milk and sugar) with the following recipe."

Dr. Charles’ Coffee Weight Loss Recipe

  • Black Coffee
  • Dandelion root extract (12 - 24 drops)
  • Extra virgin coconut or olive oil (teaspoon)

How does a Chiropractic Adjustment work and why is it so important to overall Health?

This past month:

 Tiger Woods had to pull out of a major PGA Tournament because of back pain
Pope Francis fell while delivering a mass, some say due to his chronic sciatic pain. 
In all likelihood, both incidences could have been avoided had the world’s formerly greatest golfer and the 79-year-old Pontiff received specific chiropractic adjustments to their low backs to help them with their chronic painful conditions.
How does a Chiropractic Adjustment work and why is it so important to overall Health?
Empirical evidence suggests that chiropractic patients tend to be healthier than those who depend on drugs and surgeries to address their health problems. You may ask, “How and why is this?"
First and foremost - Gravity never takes a day off and my job is to improve your “relationship with gravity” by making sure your 206 bones are in alignment. You know that if one of the 4 tires of your car is out of alignment what happens…. imagine any one of the bones of your feet, spine, limbs or skull being misaligned. Like the misaligned tires it will make you move unsteadily and if you don't quickly remedy the misalignment you will have to replace the tire (shoulder, hip or spinal bone).
Currently, there are approximately 285,000 hip replacements and 600,000 knee replacements in the US yearly. The best ways to prevent these are:
1. Keep your joints in alignment through monthly chiropractic adjustments
2. Keep your weight down
3. Put your joints through their full movements. - The 6 Power Kinetics® Movements are great for this. Ask me about these if you don’t know them.
It is not just the biomechanical benefit mentioned above of having your bones in proper alignment that creates your improved health; there are also neurological reasons:
All joints have nerve endings called mechanoreceptors, which tell the brain where the body is in space. When a spinal vertebra for instance is stuck within its normal range of motion the mechanoreceptors lose the impulse and the integrity of the nervous system is compromised - this can lead to pain, loss of sensation, muscle spasms (as the body tries to make the bone move) and has autonomic consequences to the related organs in the area. (via the intermediolateral cell column of the spinal cord, which allows communication between the muscle and the related organ)
Therefore, a chiropractic adjustment does not just “un-pinch a nerve” it stimulates the mechanoreceptors in that joint and affects the entire nervous system and thereby the entire body. In other words, a spinal adjustment actually “un-pinches the entire nervous system.” 

This is how it helps people with other health issues besides back pain and sciatica such as allergies, digestive problems, headaches, chronic fatigue, ADHD, skin issues (the largest organ of the body)  visual disturbances… and basically anything connected with the nervous system, which is everything since the nervous system controls every muscle, gland and organ in the body.

If you look at people who regularly receive specific chiropractic treatments they are not only straighter and in less pain… they have more vitality! This is how you will be if you maintain your good health by including the necessary and often overlooked aspect of keeping your joints in proper alignment and your nervous system free of avoidable tension.
To your great health,
Eugene Charles, D.C. DIBAK
Diplomate, International Board of Applied Kinesiology
Incidentally, Dr. Charles’ training manual, Precision Adjusting For The Master Chiropractor, is in every Chiropractic College in the United States. 
Photo: Dr. Charles restoring normal motion to a patient’s low back 
(From Precision Adjusting For The Master Chiropractor by Eugene Charles, D.C.)

Matt Harvey does NOT need surgery!

I see Matt Harvey is diagnosed with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS). I had a case of TOS (also called brachial neuritis) that led to arm paralysis in a mountain climber. Fortunately, I successfully treated him non-surgically and he went on to a full recovery and is mountain climbing again. This case was published in a Medical Journal. http://www.journalchiromed.com/article/S1556-3707(11)00156-8/abstract I believe Mr Harvey has a similar condition to this patient with the full right arm paralysis who went on to a full recovery without surgery. (Actually he had nerve entrapment surgery before coming to our office and the patient said it worsened the condition)

Likewise, I feel Mr. Harvey does not need surgery! He does not need the rib REMOVED… he simply needs it MOVED! From what I have read in the news, it looks to me that the rib has become misaligned and it just needs to have its position adjusted slightly…not ripped out.  To reiterate, common sense dictates that if the rib needed to be removed it would have ALWAYS been a problem!

In all likelihood, without examining him, this probably occurred this year because of Mr. Harvey's emotional stress from last year which physiologically caused his pectoralis minor muscle to become hypertonic as a defense mechanism (fight or flight response). This, in conjunction with the fact that he is such an emotionally charged individual to start with, is what I believe predisposed this condition to happen now. In other words...he is physiologically tightening up his chest, ribs, and shoulders. (This is why he complained to his agent, Mr. Scott Boras that he felt like he had a "dead arm" earlier in the season)

The rib in question cannot in and of itself BE the problem otherwise it would have ALWAYS bothered him. Therefore, logic dictates the rib itself is not the problem…the rib’s newly developed lack of proper movement is the problem; and this is due to a physiological and biomechanical problem with the ribcage, not an anatomical problem. I.e. he was not born with an overgrown rib.

Last year, Harvard had its 4th International Fascial Symposium to "To advance our understanding of structure and function, educate scientists and clinical professionals" about the importance of fascia. http://www.fasciacongress.org/2015/

In my practice I focus on Maximizing Human Performance and I guarantee that if I am right, a simple realignment of the rib(s) and a releasing of the tight fascia around the pectoralis minor muscle would have Mr. Harvey as good, if not better than ever, in 10 days!

You cannot put a rib back once you take it out! I have been doing this for 30 years and I don’t flippantly make guarantees; however, I mean what I said above with all my heart.

I pray the surgery is a success and I wish Matt Harvey all the luck in the world. Sincerely,

Dr. Eugene Charles The Applied Kinesiology Center of New York 36 East 36th Street New York, NY 10016 www.appliedkinesiologycenterofnewyork.com (212) 683 -9328

Common Sense in American Health Care

Happy 4th of July to you, In honor of our country I decided to read Thomas Paine’s Common Sense. It was said to be the deciding factor in America’s decision for Independence.

As a healthcare provider for 30 years I saw the similarity between what Paine wrote and what I feel about our current health care system.

I hope you can see the importance in this new version of Common Sense in American Healthcare

Thank you and I appreciate you reading this and sharing it with loved ones,

Dr. Eugene Charles



*Here is an example of a young boy whose life would have been derailed before it started if it wasn’t for his father’s persistence in using “common sense" in health care.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld-5-Um-TEw


Common Sense in American Health Care

America decided over 200 years ago to free herself from the shackles of European colonialism and become master of her own fate. Even with all sorts of problems, the United States has become a haven for freedom, innovation and opportunity; yet she remains enslaved to a different outdated monarchy.

Why is it that America has the most expensive Health Care System in the world and yet when graded for results year after year she ranks LAST among all industrialized nations in overall health?

Why is it that healthcare costs now consume an ever-growing percentage of total economic expenditure and is said to be the greatest threat facing the U.S. economy. The threat of terrorism represents a real danger; however, statistically speaking the odds are slim it will cost you your life. In fact, according to statistics the odds are far greater that medical errors (the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S.) will kill you before a terrorist attack does.

Likewise, statistics have shown that more people die yearly from taking aspirin and ibuprofen properly than die from AIDS in America. There is much talk and money invested in AIDS awareness and treatment (and rightly so) and yet why isn’t there a simple campaign to save the lives of the greater number of loved ones who die from this no less tragic cause of taking over the counter medications?

Could the answer be that the money is not being wisely invested? Could it be that we are searching for answers to our health problems in the wrong places? Could it be that we are entrenched in a stifling mindset that we are afraid to speak out against? Could it be that we are afraid to take responsibility for our lives and our health and to live as a free people?

The opening statement that America continues to be enslaved by a European Monarch is derived from the fact that American health care is rooted in European discoveries. In France, Louis Pasteur discovered the germ theory and a Scottish born physician, Alexander Fleming, discovered penicillin. The germ theory and antibiotics should be applauded as tremendous breakthroughs and have unquestionably saved innumerable lives from the scourge of infection.

However, do you think that is all there is to health? Antibiotics saved lives but did it promote health? Do you see that perhaps scientists became enamored with their science and forgot the purpose of their mission? The overutilization of antibiotics and the “pill for a problem” mentality have pushed us to the brink of Orwellian destruction by antibiotic resistant bacteria that threaten human existence. These superbugs were created in response to the irresponsible use of wonderdrugs.

Let me be clear, I believe in cleaning wounds and sterile operating rooms as advocated by Dr. Joseph Lister (of Listerine fame) but what works in extreme cases may not be appropriate in promoting health on a day-to-day basis. You coddle a body too much and it weakens and atrophies. Drugs don’t strengthen a person; they weaken him by doing the work for the person when they are taken unnecessarily.

Except in cases of a weakened immune system perhaps the germ is not the problem. Modern research is working on drugs that get the body’s immune system to destroy cancer cells and repair other bodily tissues because the direct drug approach has failed miserably. I see this as a step in the right direction because the body can cure what it has created. It is the body and mind that cure…not drugs unless they work with these two. The question remains, “Why do we support this drug-based system when, according to health standings compared with other countries, it is failing?”

Is it because we are afraid to question? What would you do if your favorite sports team had the highest payroll year after year and yet it came in last every season? Would you think they should keep following the same plan? Do you think that spending more on the same players, coaches and manager would solve the problem?

No you wouldn’t would you? A dedicated, intelligent fan would say we need a fresh, new approach. We need new players with a hunger for success with a burning desire to win. The beauty of this example as it applies to healthcare is that when this new team wins…we all WIN!

What can The United States best do to foster its dictum of promoting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? The most obvious answer is to first provide the best healthcare system possible! How do we convert our current sickcare system into a healthcare system?

Common sense dictates that the things help us to stay healthy will also improve health when it falters – rest, exercise, wholesome foods, clean water, fresh air, sunshine, an optimistic attitude, laughter, love, spiritual convictions, honest hard work and consistent healthcare treatments with experts that work with the body not instead of it.

Where should you look for these healthcare experts? We should, as always, start in the acre of diamonds at our feet; in the USA. The healing systems of chiropractic and applied kinesiology are two disciplines born in America. In Davenport Iowa, Daniel David Palmer delivered the first modern chiropractic adjustment in 1895 (I say modern because Hippocrates said over 2000 years ago to “look to the spine for disease.”) when he realigned a spinal segment and restored hearing to his janitor.

In Detroit Michigan Dr. George Goodheart performed the first applied kinesiology technique in 1964 and healed the chronic shoulder pain of the man who delivered water bottles to his office.

It looks like another American Revolution is needed – a wellness revolution some have called it. America has the resources to make people healthier than ever. She needs to stop investing a penny to tell people to exercise while spending a dollar to convince people they need to be on some sort of drug.

The addiction to drugs is rising and why not. The average American is bombarded to a nonstop cascade of drug commercials, advertisements and billboards. Sadly, if people are getting addicted to legal drugs it may be unethical but it’s not a crime. In fact, to those promoting drugs it’s good business. To this cartel the only shame is when someone dies; the shame not being loss of life…the shame being a loss of revenue. Remember, the drug never proposes to cure anything, just keep a person limping along until he finishes his life of quiet desperation hopefully with one last prescription filled. Are drugs needed some times? Yes, but not to the sickening degree it is currently.

America is called the land of opportunity and paradoxically her chance for the greatest opportunity to her children; namely, that of supreme health lies within her own borders. I feel that if The United States Health Care System adopted a more holistic approach and utilized the home grown healing disciplines of chiropractic and applied kinesiology instead of the European model of emergency medicine that it is currently based on, America would climb from the cellar of being the sickest country in the industrialized world and rise up to first place and be the healthiest country within 3-5 years of adopting this approach of focusing more on healing and less on medicine.

Dr. Eugene Charles

July 4, 2016



Natural Treatment For Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

If you investigate any reputable source you can see a silent epidemic is affecting our children. This epidemic is most commonly called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

1. According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)  is the most common neurobehavioral disorder diagnosed in children in the United States. While it's typically diagnosed when children enter elementary school, it is 'increasingly' being diagnosed in preschool children." http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db201.htm
2. In The Economist, “Nearly one in six boys in America under the age of ten has been diagnosed with ADHD, and a majority of these children take medication for it.”  http://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21657021-childhood-conditions-such-autism-and-adhd-are-now-widespread-youthful-folly
3. The New York Times reports, “ The rising rates of ADHD diagnoses are "a national disaster" fueled largely by drug-company ads that target clinicians and parents alike."  

"You may wonder what accounts for the recent explosive increase in the rates of A.D.H.D. diagnosis and its treatment through medication. The lifetime prevalence in children has increased to 11 percent in 2011 from 7.8 percent in 2003 — a whopping 41 percent increase — according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And 6.1 percent of young people were taking some A.D.H.D. medication in 2011, a 28 percent increase since 2007.  Most alarmingly, more than 10,000 toddlers at ages 2 and 3 were found to be taking these drugs, far outside any established pediatric guidelines. Some of the rising prevalence of A.D.H.D. is doubtless driven by the pharmaceutical industry whose profitable drugs are the mainstay of treatment. 

4. Journal of Pediatrics article describes, "We do not know what the long-term effects of psychotropic medication are on the developing brains and bodies of little kids," said a CDC official in a news release. "What we do know is that behavioral therapy is safe and can have long-term positive impacts on how a child with ADHD functions at home, in school, and with friends.”  
Most respected authorities agree that ADHD is reaching frightening proportions and most also agree that medication may not be the best first line of treatment for ADHD. 
Then what is?
I propose if The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is correct and ADHD is a "neurobehavioral disorder” then it sounds like the answer can be found in the neuro - behavioral relationship. In other words, I believe if we can take stress off of the child’s nervous system…naturally, then we can positively affect his behavior. I feel if we try to influence the effect (behavior) without addressing the probable cause (nervous tension) then the treatment is doomed to failure!
Here is the story of Oliver (Ollie). He was 8 years old when he was diagnosed with ADHD. He was medicated but drugs were not the answer. His parents brought him to The Applied Kinesiology Center of New York for natural therapy. 
In Applied Kinesiology we address a phenomenon known as “Neurological Disorganization.” You are probably familiar with signs of this. It represents a neurological overload due to stress that manifests itself in behavior such as turning left when you meant to go right; brain fog, confusion, mood swings or the jumbling of words. Athletes who go “ into a slump” are usually suffering from this.

Children who are experiencing this functional problem with processing information will often be diagnosed as dyslexic, hyperactive or ADHD. In Ollie’s case, besides his diagnosis of ADHD a powerful clue that he was experiencing “neurological disorganization” is that when he came in on the first visit his pants were on backwards.

Treatment consisted of applied kinesiology therapy which included: chiropractic adjustments, cranial mobilization, percussor therapy, kinesiological muscle techniques, diet and specific exercises. (Power Kinetics®)  
Ollie's teachers talk about the difference they saw in him here:

As you can see Ollie is showing great improvement. I feel that the greatest testament to what natural healing can do is best exemplified by one his teachers when she said that, “As a result he’s happier in school. He didn’t like coming to school before but now he runs into the room. He smiles and laughs and doesn’t feel like he is in crisis like he once did.”  

This happened because the body wants to be healthy and as long as Ollie keeps the stress out of his nervous system through periodic kinesiological treatments, verbalizing his feelings and doing his exercises he will continue to do very well and live a life where he will realize his full potential.
If you are interested in applied kinesiology treatments go to appliedkinesiologycenterofnewyork or call (800) 351 - 5450
If you are a doctor interested in learning applied kinesiology go to: www.charlesseminars.com

The #1 Cause of Disability in the World - Low Back Pain


When you were younger you probably felt invincible. It was like you were made of rubber and could withstand anything (bumps, bruises, or sitting like a pretzel for hours on end) and would snap back up again unscathed, ready for the next challenge. But how about now? Are you still invincible, or has your lower back been giving you painful reminders that you are not? According to statistics, the answer is probably YES! Sadly, you are not alone. You are actually part of an alarming global trend of people with low back pain issues. My hope with this BLOG is to teach you how to avoid becoming a statistic.

Stress on the lower spine.

A recent Medical Journal Reported, “Low back pain (LBP) causes more disability globally than any other condition; according to two studies published online January 30 and March 24, 2014 in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. As the world population continues to age, an urgent need exists for research to find out why and how LBP might be prevented or better managed…” (http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/822492)

Let’s read that again,

“Low back pain causes more disability globally than any other condition… an urgent need exists for research to find out why and how LBP might be prevented or better managed...”

So the question is, "why does this happen and what can you do to prevent and/or recover from low back pain?" If I may be so bold... I am positive that I have the answers to both how LBP might be prevented and better managed!

Follow these steps:

#1. Take responsibility. If you are reading this you are obviously someone who takes responsibility, and who realizes that you cannot afford to keep doing what got you in this mess in the first place. You have to treat yourself differently. You have to treat yourself and your spine better. If you are overweight you have to drop the excess poundage...NOW! Proceed to step two.

#2 Movement is Medicine. We have all heard the quote, “use it or lose it.” Simply put, you absolutely MUST move around more. Get out of your chair for 10 minutes every hour. The US Army did a study and found that resting 10 minutes out of every hour made marching soldiers more effective. I believe that getting up 10 minutes out of every hour will help soldiers in the civilian world (you) be more energetic—and healthier. So get up and walk around! Better yet, shake the dust off your spine by performing the 6 spinal movements and the “10 Things To Do at Work” on the Power Kinetics® Exercise DVD.

#3 Get your spine aligned. How anyone in this day and age does not realize that all 26 bones of their spine need to be adjusted and realigned at least once a month is mind-boggling! I believe most LBP comes from the spinal bones getting stuck or misaligned. In other words, for optimal joint and spine health you absolutely MUST see a doctor of chiropractic on a REGULAR basis.

*Just like you regularly see a dentist to take care of the bones in your mouth... you must see a chiropractor to take care of the bones in your spine, and the rest of your body for matter.

Photo: Dr. Charles restoring normal motion to a patient’s low back  (Precision Adjusting For The Master Chiropractor by Eugene Charles, D.C.)

#4 Receive applied kinesiology treatments. Applied kinesiology (AK) is a system that uses muscle testing to uncover which muscle(s) is not moving right when someone has pain or cannot do something. You are well aware of the fact that muscles move bones and I feel that chiropractors who utilize applied kinesiology techniques to augment their great adjustments can accomplish more in one visit than any other doctor who specializes in spinal health. I feel you need to have your muscles tested and then treated for optimal spinal health and I know of no better way of keeping your low back healthy than having specific kinesiological work done on your muscles followed by a precise chiropractic adjustment.

So we are clear, I am partial to AK because the founder of AK, Dr. George Goodheart, properly diagnosed and corrected the cause of my severe shoulder pain when no other doctor was able to... over 30 years ago. This motivated me to become the youngest teaching Diplomate of Applied Kinesiology in the world. (or so I was told)

*If you are interested, I have a list of doctors I've trained in applied kinesiology and also have seminar DVDs available to any doctor who wants to learn and use these powerful healing tools. 

#5 Eat foods and herbs that decrease inflammation. Foods such as olive oil, nuts & seeds, fish (especially wild salmon, sardines & anchovies), grass fed beef, vegetables; and herbs such as turmeric, boswellia, ginger root, quercetin and ubiquinol work naturally with your body to decrease pain and swelling.

Strong abdominal muscles stabilize and support your low back.

#6 Strengthen your stomach muscles (the abdominals). Strong abdominal muscles stabilize and support your low back. However, MOST stomach exercises are wrong. That’s right, most stomach exercises involve the hip flexors, which are antagonistic to the abdominal muscle. So you are creating tension in your low back; the very same low back you are exercising to help.

Several years ago, I developed an abdominal exercise for a man with a herniated disc who had horrific pain shooting down his legs. He needed to strengthen his stomach muscles to help his condition, yet every stomach exercise he tried was incredibly painful. Instead of having him contract his hip flexor muscles (psoas, rectus femoris), I had him contract his hip extensor muscles (gluteus maximus, hamstrings).

I developed this exercise for him and he was able to do it with no pain. So if a guy with a herniated disc was able to do this and not hurt himself, I am confident that this exercise will not injure your low back and you will benefit greatly by it. I’m a little embarrassed that it took me 30 years—plus a patient in horrible pain—to come up with this abdominal exercise. One of my students named it “The Charles Crunch.” I simply call it, "The PK Sit-up."

*You can see this low back saving exercise in the Dec 17 2014 BLOG.

There you have it. Six things you can do to avoid the greatest cause of disability on the planet. When your low back hurts, everything hurts and everyday can be a living nightmare. Be very diligent with these 6 steps and you will have a greater probability of a healthy, pain-free low back and a greater opportunity of enjoying life to the fullest.

Don’t wait until you have low back pain to implement these six actions, do them as preventative measures NOW. As Benjamin Franklin said, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

I will leave you with a different version of this adage that I teach all of my patients, “Be kind to your spine. Treat your back like it is hurting…and it never will.”

To your Great Health and Success,

Eugene Charles, D.C., DIBAK Diplomate, International Board of Applied Kinesiology www.charlesseminars.com

Follow Dr. Charles on Twitter, and subscribe to his YouTube channel. Share this blog with a friend!

Contact us and let us know you signed up for the BLOG and you will receive a FREE PDF to the book Antidotes For Indiscretions: What to do when you do what you shouldn’t have.

For a list of doctors trained in Applied Kinesiology http://www.charlesseminars.com/AKdoctors.html

For doctors interested in adding Applied Kinesiology to their practice http://www.charlesseminars.com/producs.html

To order The Power Kinetics® Exercise DVD http://www.charlesseminars.com/PowerKineticsVitamins.html


Here is the first step in my new Power Kinetics® (PK)

5-step program to the most intelligent and healthy way to get the perfect stomach.

The Power Kinetics abdominal exercise. Step 1—Part 1

BEGIN by pushing your feet into the floor and  contract your gluteus muscles. This will slightly elevate the pelvis off of the floor and increase the intensity of the abdominal contraction. Most ab exercises contract the hip flexors. (i.e. by raising the knees up towards your head) This is biomechanically unsound and creates tension in the low back—a MAJOR reason why so many “well meaning” people hurt their backs while trying to strengthen their abdominal muscles.

These PK Sit-ups are safe and protect your low back! Also, contracting your buttocks develops the gluteal muscles while you also strengthen your stomach.

The Power Kinetics abdominal exercise. Step 1—Part 2

FINISH by exhaling; blow-out forcibly (this further contracts and tones the abdominal muscles) as you bring your body, and your hands up—TOWARDS THE CEILING!  Do not squeeze yourself into a ball. This compresses the very sensitive abdominal organs that you are developing your stomach muscles to protect! If you find your neck muscles are not strong enough and you feel them straining then put your hands behind your neck for added support.

Do as many repetitions as you can. Do these three days a week. Perform the Power Kinetic® exercises on the alternative days, so you are stimulating the muscle fibers six days a week.

*Check with your physician before starting any exercise program.

Bonus: To help remove fat from the stomach region take 2 Relora with Bacopa daily. The PK exercise DVD and the Relora are available here:


To Actualizing Your Potential and Living as Richly as possible,

Eugene Charles, D.C., DIBAK Diplomate, International Board of Applied Kinesiology www.charlesseminars.com

 Follow Dr. Charles on Twitter, and subscribe to his YouTube channel.                               Share this blog with a friend!

Contact us and let us know you signed up for the BLOG and you will receive a FREE PDF to the book Antidotes For Indiscretions: What to do when you do what you shouldn’t have.

Beating Ebola Hysteria

A doctor who returned to New York City from Africa 10 days ago was rushed in an ambulance with a police escort from his Harlem home to Bellevue Hospital on Thursday, sources said. Dr. Charles is disseminating the information below from The Centers For Disease Control to his doctors. He thought you should also know the truth and see there is no reason for hysteria.

Essentially, unless you come into intimate contact with someone infected with Ebola—you are fine.

Similar to preventing infection from ANY virus make sure you:

1. Breathe through your nose. You breathe 20,000 times a day so you better do it right!
Your nose FILTERS, HUMIDIFIES and IONIZES the air entering your body; oxygen is the most abundant element of your body—65% of YOU is OXYGEN—so you want it as pure as possible.


2. Wash your hands regularly with soap (NOTbactericidal) and water.


3. Drink two liters of pure water daily.

4. Exercise six days a week, and break a sweat on at least three of those days. When you're not working out make sure you're body is moving ten minutes out of every hour.
5. Be sure to have a daily dowel movement (t's not glamorous but along with sweating it is the best way to detoxify your body).
6. Get eight hours of sound sleep.

7. Receive monthly chiropractic/kinesiology treatments to enhance the strength of your immune system. To find a great doctor in your area go to: http://www.charlesseminars.com/AKdoctors.html


*8. (OPTIONAL): Take one ImmunoMax daily—and other nutritional supplements—from here: http://www.charlesseminars.com/PowerKineticsVitamins.html


*REMEMBER: YOU are much Bigger than a virus. If you keep yourself strong with these seven easy tips you will beat any bug and stay healthy!


To Actualizing Your Potential and Living as Richly as possible,

Eugene Charles, D.C., DIBAK Diplomate, International Board of Applied Kinesiology www.charlesseminars.com


 Follow Dr. Charles on Twitter, and subscribe to his YouTube channel.

Share this blog with a friend!

Contact us and let us know you signed up for the BLOG and you will receive a FREE PDF to the book Antidotes For Indiscretions: What to do when you do what you shouldn’t have.

Evaluating Patients for Ebola: CDC Recommendations for Clinicians

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Health Advisory

October 03, 2014

  • The first case of Ebola virus disease (Ebola) diagnosed in the United States was reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by Dallas County Health and Human Services on September 28, 2014, and laboratory-confirmed by CDC and the Texas Laboratory Response Network (LRN) laboratory on September 30. The patient departed Monrovia, Liberia, on September 19, and arrived in Dallas, Texas, on September 20. The patient was asymptomatic during travel and upon his arrival in the United States; he fell ill on September 24 and sought medical care at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas on September 26. He was treated and released. On September 28, he returned to the same hospital and was admitted for treatment.

The purpose of this HAN Advisory is to remind healthcare personnel and health officials to:

1. Increase their vigilance in inquiring about a history of travel to Ebola-affected countries in the 21 days before illness onset for any patient presenting with fever or other symptoms consistent with Ebola;

2. Isolate patients who report a travel history to an Ebola-affected country (currently Liberia, Sierra Leone, Senegal, and Guinea) and who are exhibiting Ebola symptoms in a private room with a private bathroom and implement standard, contact, and droplet precautions (gowns, facemask, eye protection, and gloves); and

3. Immediately notify the local/state health department.


The first known case of Ebola with illness onset and laboratory confirmation in the United States occurred in Dallas, Texas, on September 2014, in a traveler from Liberia. The West African countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea are experiencing the largest Ebola epidemic in history. From March 24, 2014, through September 23, 2014, there have been 6,574 total cases (3,626 were laboratory-confirmed) and 3,091 total deaths reported in Africa.

Ebola is a rare and deadly disease caused by infection with one of four viruses (Ebolavirus genus) that cause disease in humans. Ebola infection is associated with fever of greater than 38.6°C or 101.5°F, and additional symptoms such as severe headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or unexplained hemorrhage. Ebola is spread through direct contact (through broken skin or mucous membranes) with blood or body fluids (including but not limited to urine, saliva, feces, vomit, sweat, breast milk, and semen) of a person who is sick with Ebola or contact with objects (such as needles and syringes) that have been contaminated with these fluids. Ebola is not spread through the air or water. The main source for spread is human-to-human transmission.

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Avoiding contact with infected persons (as well as potentially infected corpses) and their blood and body fluids is of paramount importance. Persons are not contagious before they are symptomatic. The incubation period (the time from exposure until onset of symptoms) is typically 8-10 days, but can range from 2-21 days. Additional information is available at http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/index.html.


Early recognition is critical to controlling the spread of Ebola virus. Consequently, healthcare personnel should elicit the patient's travel history and consider the possibility of Ebola in patients who present with fever, myalgia, severe headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, or unexplained bleeding or bruising. Should the patient report a history of recent travel to one of the affected West African countries (Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea) and exhibit such symptoms, immediate action should be taken. The Ebola algorithm for the evaluation of a returned traveler and the checklist for evaluation of a patient being evaluated for Ebola are available at http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/pdf/ebola-algorithm.pdf and http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/pdf/checklist-patients-evaluated-us-evd.pdf.

 Patients in whom a diagnosis of Ebola is being considered should be isolated in a single room (with a private bathroom), and healthcare personnel should follow standard, contact, and droplet precautions, including the use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Infection control personnel and the local health department should be immediately contacted for consultation.

The following guidance documents provide additional information about clinical presentation and clinical course of Ebola virus disease, infection control, and patient management:

The case definitions for persons under investigation (PUI) for Ebola, probable cases, and confirmed cases as well as classification of exposure risk levels are at http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/case-definition.html.

Persons at highest risk of developing infection are:

  • those who have had direct contact with the blood and body fluids of an individual diagnosed with Ebola — this includes any person who provided care for an Ebola patient, such as a healthcare provider or family member not adhering to recommended infection control precautions (i.e., not wearing recommended PPE)
  • those who have had close physical contact with an individual diagnosed with Ebola
  • those who lived with or visited the Ebola-diagnosed patient while he or she was ill.

Persons who have been exposed, but who are asymptomatic, should be instructed to monitor their health for the development of fever or symptoms for 21 days after the last exposure. Guidelines for monitoring and movement of persons who have been exposed to Ebola are available at http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/monitoring-and-movement-of-persons-with-exposure.html.

Diagnostic tests are available for detection of Ebola at LRN laboratories as well as CDC. Consultation with CDC is required before shipping specimens to CDC. Information about diagnostic testing for Ebola can be found at http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/interim-guidance-specimen-collection-submission-patients-suspected-infection-ebola.html.

Healthcare personnel in the United States should immediately contact their state or local health department regarding any person being evaluated for Ebola if the medical evaluation suggests that diagnostic testing may be indicated. If there is a high index of suspicion, U.S. health departments should immediately report any probable cases or PUI (http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/case-definition.html) to CDC's Emergency Operations Center at 770-488-7100.

Patients in whom a diagnosis of Ebola is being considered should be isolated in a single room (with a private bathroom), and healthcare personnel should follow standard, contact, and droplet precautions, including the use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Infection control personnel and the local health department should be immediately contacted for consultation.

The following guidance documents provide additional information about clinical presentation and clinical course of Ebola virus disease, infection control, and patient management:

The case definitions for persons under investigation (PUI) for Ebola, probable cases, and confirmed cases as well as classification of exposure risk levels are at http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/case-definition.html.

Persons at highest risk of developing infection are:

  • those who have had direct contact with the blood and body fluids of an individual diagnosed with Ebola — this includes any person who provided care for an Ebola patient, such as a healthcare provider or family member not adhering to recommended infection control precautions (i.e., not wearing recommended PPE)
  • those who have had close physical contact with an individual diagnosed with Ebola
  • those who lived with or visited the Ebola-diagnosed patient while he or she was ill.

Persons who have been exposed, but who are asymptomatic, should be instructed to monitor their health for the development of fever or symptoms for 21 days after the last exposure. Guidelines for monitoring and movement of persons who have been exposed to Ebola are available at http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/monitoring-and-movement-of-persons-with-exposure.html.

Diagnostic tests are available for detection of Ebola at LRN laboratories as well as CDC. Consultation with CDC is required before shipping specimens to CDC. Information about diagnostic testing for Ebola can be found at http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/interim-guidance-specimen-collection-submission-patients-suspected-infection-ebola.html.

Healthcare personnel in the United States should immediately contact their state or local health department regarding any person being evaluated for Ebola if the medical evaluation suggests that diagnostic testing may be indicated. If there is a high index of suspicion, U.S. health departments should immediately report any probable cases or PUI (http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/case-definition.html) to CDC's Emergency Operations Center at 770-488-7100.

Tommy John Surgery or Dr. George Goodheart Treatments?

How applied kinesiology can be an integral part of an athlete’s recovery from injuries: Starting pitcher Masahiro Tanaka #19 of the New York Yankees sits in the dugout after leaving the game during the seventh inning against the Cleveland Indians on July 8th, 2014

Yankees pitcher Masahiro Tanaka suffered an elbow injury that will keep him off the mound for at least 6 weeks. The Wall Street Journal's Daniel Barbarisi reports that Tanaka has a slight tear of his ulnar collateral ligament. We all know that a full tear means Tommy John surgery, and rightly so. The surgery is a modern marvel and has become more famous than the pitcher it is named after!

As these excellent doctors try their best to successfully heal Mr. Tanaka’s elbow—so he can avoid surgery—I will share with you how applied kinesiology could be added to the team approach to healing this athlete (and we are all athletes in our own way) and perhaps help save his career.

Applied kinesiology is another modern marvel started by a man who is not as famous as Tommy John. His name is Dr. George Goodheart and he developed a healing system known as applied kinesiology. It proved to be so successful that Dr. Goodheart was selected to the Olympic Medical Committee in 1980 when he healed the injured hamstring of the Medical Committee Chairman - Dr. Irving Dardik, after other therapies could not!

In this case, and with the information available to me—Mr. Tanaka complaining of arm fatigue, pitching on less rest than he did in Japan, and the assurance that there was no traumatic event like a loud pop—here is my suggestion of what applied kinesiology can add to the therapies being used:

An elbow joint showing all 3 joints.

1. It sounds like his elbow is not moving properly and has what is known as a subluxation. A subluxation is where the joint is NOT dislocated, however it is not moving 100% properly either. It is stuck somewhere in between, literally! The elbow is comprised of three joints (humero-radial, humero-ulnar, proximal radio-ulnar) and it appears that at least one of the joints is not functioning in the proper manner.

*A manual adjustment is needed to realign one or all three of the joints. Most likely in this case the humero-ulnar joint is subluxated and causing excessing strain on the ligament that connects the two bones—the infamous ulnar collateral ligament. This joint is probably not moving properly with many pitchers and this may be a major reason they end up tearing the ligament due to the elbow’s compromised position. After all, if it was just a case of overuse then ALL pitchers would get this when they hit a certain cumulative pitch count (This adjustment helps to heal the joint).

Anatomy of the elbow.

2. Kinesiological techniques to restore optimal function to the muscles around the elbow (pronator teres, supinator, wrist flexors etc.) These are specific massage techniques that restore the muscle to its pre-injury status. These techniques should be employed BEFORE physical therapy is initiated (This helps to heal the muscles).

3. Percussion therapy over the ulnar collateral ligament to induce the fibroblasts to synthesize collagen and promote the healing and strengthening of the ligament (This helps to heal the ligaments).

The Vibracussor® instrument.

4. NUTRITION—The last aspect that is so often overlooked in ALL injuries is the need for the nutrition that the body needs to heal. Nutrients to stop inflammation and promote the healing of muscles, tendons and ligaments are needed for a complete recovery. This is an entire topic in itself.

Briefly, Vitamin C and the mineral manganese are essential to heal ligaments; omega oils and herbs like curcumin, ginger and boswellia help stop inflammation; and my PROFESSIONAL SPORTS INJURY SECRET—natural anti-histamines! That’s right, natural anti-histamines. Why? Because when a joint is injured it disrupts mast cells which release histamines and cause excessive pain and inflammation. I have used natural anti-histamines with amazing results in healing injured ankles, shoulders, wrists….and yes, elbows (This helps to heal the joint, muscles and ligaments).

Now you have it. How applied kinesiology can be an asset in assisting the medical team working on Masahiro Tanaka’s elbow. It can bring another set of tools to the "Medical Pit Crew” working earnestly to help this athlete do what he loves. This goes for all athletes and remember WE ARE ALL ATHLETES IN OUR OWN WAY!


To Actualizing Your Potential and Your Great Health and Success,

Eugene Charles, D.C., DIBAK Diplomate, International Board of Applied Kinesiology www.charlesseminars.com

Follow Dr. Charles on Twitter, and subscribe to his YouTube channel.

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Galileo proving the Sun is the center of our universe. When Galileo asked the Church Fathers to look through his telescope, legend has it they refused. Even though he wanted to show them the truth—that the sun and not the earth, was the center of our solar system—they would have none of it.

A new study recently came out, yet again, proving that the United States Health System is DEAD LAST among the 11 industrialized nations in our world. See here http://bit.ly/TFkWwV

I just returned from a trip to Washington D.C. where top professional Applied Kinesiologists from all over the world gathered for our annual international meeting (www.icakusa.com), and as I listened to these brilliant doctors talk about their newest clinical research and saw such a panorama of answers to the current problems with the US Healthcare system, I felt like I was LOOKING THROUGH GALILEO'S TELESCOPE and seeing the truth.

What is currently being done in America is not working, and doing less of it is NOT the answer. Embracing Holistic Healing Systems; such as applied kinesiology, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, exercise & nutrition and adding it to the excellent heroic medicine that we have in our emergency rooms throughout the country is THE ANSWER.

Let’s lose the PILL FOR A PROBLEM mentality of our failing US Healthcare System and put our American ingenuity to work. Doing the same thing everyday and expecting different results is insanity... It’s time to stop drugging ourselves up and start improving our health with holistic healing systems that are proving they work everyday in doctors’ offices all over the globe!

Best wishes to your Great Health & Success,

Eugene Charles, D.C., DIBAK Diplomate, International Board of Applied Kinesiology www.charlesseminars.com



FIFA World Cup 14'

If you're watching the 2014 FIFA WORLD CUP BRAZIL, you saw American soccer star Jozy Altidore suffered a hamstring injury in America's 2-1 victory over Ghana this week.

"In the first half Monday, Altidore was running down a ball with Ghana’s John Boye when he lowered his head to attempt to control it. He immediately grabbed the back of his left leg and fell to the ground in pain.."


The Hamstrings.


Most hamstring injuries are due to three scenarios:

1. The covering around the muscle known as fascia tightening up around the hamstring.

2. The nerve endings at the ends of the muscles gets too much impulse from the athlete trying to either accelerate or decelerate and these nerve endings—Golgi Tendon Organs—send an inhibitory signal to the muscle to shut it off.

3. The third scenario is the Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome that we covered last Blog regarding NBA player Lebron James.


How Applied Kinesiology Can Help:

A doctor trained in applied kinesiology would be able to discern which one of these (or other possible causes) is the culprit and apply the proper treatment.

If the fascia is too short, then a deep massage is needed to lengthen the fascia and release the muscle from its self-made prison.

If the muscle is a true strain from excessive neurological bombardment from the Golgi Tendon Organs the doctor/therapist would apply pressure to the ends of the muscle to signal the inhibitory impulses to stop shutting the muscle off.


To Your Potential!

Be well,

Dr. Eugene Charles www.charlesseminars.com

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Cramping-up the NBA Finals

WHO SAW game 1 of the NBA Finals Thursday night as LeBron James was forced to miss the final minutes because of cramps as he was carried off the court? LeBron James

How Applied Kinesiology can help:

When I caught "The King's" post-game press conference, he mentioned his doctors "do not know" why he endured cramps as he was put on an IV in the locker room. This tells me that his problem is of a functional nature; not pathological one (In other words, it is not a disease; otherwise his excellent doctors would have found the problem and would be best suited to correct it). As I listened to greatest basketball player in the game explain why this periodically happens to him, I was struck to hear him claim, “playoff sweat is different from regular season sweat...” Well, he is right! The stress levels are very different, therefore you can lose more sodium through your sweat and become more prone to "cramp-up."

The stress glands (adrenal glands) secrete a hormone called "aldosterone" and when the adrenals are fatigued they may not secrete enough aldosterone—so you lose sodium and suffer intense cramps (along with other symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, light sensitivity, brain fog and more.)




JUST LIKE LEBRON, many people need physical treatment to their adrenal glands.

This includes:

Chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, deep percussion and nutrition such as Vitamin C, B vitamins.

Plus natural remedies such as:

Licorice root, cordyceps, rhodiola and/or withania.

There are standard functional tests for the adrenal glands that any doctor can do. Hopefully, Mr. James and others will get these tests done and receive treatment from a Professional Applied Kinesiologist who will help them to perform at their absolute best and be prepared to deal with all the stresses life has to offer.


Be well,

Dr. Eugene Charles www.charlesseminars.com



Is Sitting The New Smoking..?

Dear Intelligent Health Conscious Individual As you may or may not have heard, mainstream medicine is catching up to what we have already learned in regards to "getting up and moving" for a few minutes every hour.

Read these new articles from The Mayo Clinic explaining how bad inactivity is:


Personally, I agree with most of what is said, but please take these articles with a grain of sea salt. Why? It is very one sided about movement, and I am concerned people will go OVERBOARD and start taping their feet to a recumbent bike so they can exercise while they are sleeping! I’ll explain the need for balance in a minute...

As you know, I am all for moving your muscles and joints. Most of you have the Power Kinetics® Exercise DVD from last year. As you are aware there is a section on the "10 Things to Do at Work" to stay strong & healthy. Do those and you will be in great shape—literally and figuratively.

You have also learned throughout the years that the human frame was never meant to sit for as long as most people do, BUT if you must sit for prolonged periods (sometimes it’s not feasible to jump-up in the middle of a meeting) you should wear a sacroiliac belt to avoid getting a Sprained Pelvis. See my demonstration here:



SYMPTOMS from a Sprained Pelvis Syndrome:

1. Low Back Pain

2. Hip / Groin pain

3. Sciatic pain or tightness down the leg

4. Neck pain

5. Headaches

6. “Frozen Shoulder Syndrome"

7. Bladder / Prostate Problems

8. Uterus / Ovarian Problems __________

These problems can only be corrected by having your pelvis aligned with a chiropractic adjustment, strapping on the sacroiliac and limiting your sitting!

Most of the information in the above Mayo Clinic articles is absolutely accurate about how movement is a TONIC for the body, however—in order to supply a little SHOCK value—authors often have to go the extreme. (I know this because recently a literary agent told me that the material I am putting into the book I am working on, Avenue To Health: How Applied Kinesiology Can Change Your Life seems life altering but it “has no hook.” I replied, “I’m sorry that the truth about how to live a long, healthy, pain-free life is not exciting enough! I’ll bet we can find a publisher in a week if I write a book titled, The Magical Seaweed Enema and How it can Cure ALL your Ailments! FYI; the agent did not share my sardonic sense of humor.)

Therefore, one of my jobs is to censor everything for you and make sure you get accurate information (as boring as the TRUTH is). The key, as always, is common sense and balance! Along with this new trend of movement, which is valid, there is a plethora of old anecdotes suggesting the benefits of rest. __________

In the classic book, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living  written in 1944, the author Dale Carnegie interviewed a vibrant and 80 year old Henry Ford who gave as his secret to vitality:

“I never stand when I can sit down; and I never sit down when I can lie down.”

This is almost the opposite of the NEWEST research! So what are you to do? Again the key is balance.

Your Health Prescription regarding movement is:

1. Get up and move for 10 minutes every hour if you are in a sedentary job.

2. Rest 10 minutes out of every hour if you are in an active job.

3. If you can, take an afternoon 10 minute nap; just like Thomas Edison, Leonardo DaVinci, Connie Mack, Eleanor Roosevelt, John D. Rockefeller, and Napoleon did.

*Not only will all 3 make you HEALTHIER. They will also make you stronger and more productive!


So while the internet is a great source for health information, you still need to have an expert decipher all of the often conflicting reports for you. Remember what Mark Twain said:

“Be careful reading health books… you could die from a misprint!”

Best wishes to your continued Great Health & Success,

Dr. Eugene Charles www.charlesseminars.com

*Appointments are available at (212)-683-9328

*Inspirational Books are available at http://www.charlesseminars.com/lcb.html

*Applied Kinesiology DVDs are available at http://www.charlesseminars.com/producs.html

*Power Kinetics® Exercise DVD / Supplements are available at http://www.charlesseminars.com/PowerKineticsVitamins.html


Is Sitting The New Smoking..?

Dear Intelligent Health Conscious Individual As you may or may not have heard, mainstream medicine is catching up to what we have already learned in regards to "getting up and moving" for a few minutes every hour.

Read these new articles from The Mayo Clinic explaining how bad inactivity is:


Personally, I agree with most of what is said, but please take these articles with a grain of sea salt. Why? It is very one sided about movement, and I am concerned people will go OVERBOARD and start taping their feet to a recumbent bike so they can exercise while they are sleeping! I’ll explain the need for balance in a minute...

As you know, I am all for moving your muscles and joints. Most of you have the Power Kinetics® Exercise DVD from last year. As you are aware there is a section on the "10 Things to Do at Work" to stay strong & healthy. Do those and you will be in great shape—literally and figuratively.

You have also learned throughout the years that the human frame was never meant to sit for as long as most people do, BUT if you must sit for prolonged periods (sometimes it’s not feasible to jump-up in the middle of a meeting) you should wear a sacroiliac belt to avoid getting a Sprained Pelvis. See my demonstration here:



SYMPTOMS from a Sprained Pelvis Syndrome:

1. Low Back Pain

2. Hip / Groin pain

3. Sciatic pain or tightness down the leg

4. Neck pain

5. Headaches

6. “Frozen Shoulder Syndrome"

7. Bladder / Prostate Problems

8. Uterus / Ovarian Problems __________

These problems can only be corrected by having your pelvis aligned with a chiropractic adjustment, strapping on the sacroiliac and limiting your sitting!

Most of the information in the above Mayo Clinic articles is absolutely accurate about how movement is a TONIC for the body, however—in order to supply a little SHOCK value—authors often have to go the extreme. (I know this because recently a literary agent told me that the material I am putting into the book I am working on, Avenue To Health: How Applied Kinesiology Can Change Your Life seems life altering but it “has no hook.” I replied, “I’m sorry that the truth about how to live a long, healthy, pain-free life is not exciting enough! I’ll bet we can find a publisher in a week if I write a book titled, The Magical Seaweed Enema and How it can Cure ALL your Ailments! FYI; the agent did not share my sardonic sense of humor.)

Therefore, one of my jobs is to censor everything for you and make sure you get accurate information (as boring as the TRUTH is). The key, as always, is common sense and balance! Along with this new trend of movement, which is valid, there is a plethora of old anecdotes suggesting the benefits of rest. __________

In the classic book, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living  written in 1944, the author Dale Carnegie interviewed a vibrant and 80 year old Henry Ford who gave as his secret to vitality:

“I never stand when I can sit down; and I never sit down when I can lie down.”

This is almost the opposite of the NEWEST research! So what are you to do? Again the key is balance.

Your Health Prescription regarding movement is:

1. Get up and move for 10 minutes every hour if you are in a sedentary job.

2. Rest 10 minutes out of every hour if you are in an active job.

3. If you can, take an afternoon 10 minute nap; just like Thomas Edison, Leonardo DaVinci, Connie Mack, Eleanor Roosevelt, John D. Rockefeller, and Napoleon did.

*Not only will all 3 make you HEALTHIER. They will also make you stronger and more productive!


So while the internet is a great source for health information, you still need to have an expert decipher all of the often conflicting reports for you. Remember what Mark Twain said:

“Be careful reading health books… you could die from a misprint!”

Best wishes to your continued Great Health & Success,

Dr. Eugene Charles www.charlesseminars.com

*Appointments are available at (212)-683-9328

*Inspirational Books are available at http://www.charlesseminars.com/lcb.html

*Applied Kinesiology DVDs are available at http://www.charlesseminars.com/producs.html

*Power Kinetics® Exercise DVD / Supplements are available at http://www.charlesseminars.com/PowerKineticsVitamins.html


Breast Health Awareness Month

Three things for optimal breast health:

1. Avoid aluminum containing deodorants/antiperspirants

2. Avoid wearing overly tight bras and bras with metal underwire. (And take off your bra as soon as you get home. They need to breathe!)

3. Perform the door stretch 3-6 times a week.

One stretch I am adamant about is “The Door Stretch.” Why? Most of us tend to get hunched over due to our work. That’s the first reason. Secondly, this may be the most important stretch, especially for women. This stretches the chest muscles and helps with posture, and I believe helps prevent breast cancer.


The chest muscles sit above the main lymphatic drainage centers of the body. The lymphatics are the sewer system of the body. My theory is that if they are tight they block the lymphatics and the breast tissue sits in a toxic sewer since the drainage is impeded. So please teach this stretch to every woman you know (every man too). If I am mistaken about preventing breast cancer, then at least it will give people great posture and prevent that hump in the upper back that people tend to get as they get older. But if I am right, you are doing a great service for every woman you know. (Reference: breast cancer/lymphatics) 

Door stretch 

Put your elbows out on the doorframe with your hands up (like you are in a Western and being told to “stick em up), put one leg in front of the other, lean your body forward while keeping your back foot flat on the ground (this gives the calves a great stretch, another thing most women need due to high heels). 

Hold this position for 15 seconds then do 10 quick little stretches at the end, breathing out with each quick stretch of the chest muscles. Then hold again for 15 seconds This really helps to relax those tight muscles. Then switch legs and repeat.
Stay happy, healthy and positive,                                                                                                                                          
Dr. Eugene Charles

Recognize a Stroke by Asking Four Questions

Do you know how to tell if someone (including yourself) is having a stroke?  The sooner you recognize the signs, the sooner the victim can get help and expect a full-recovery. The problem is, many times symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now, doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions, which you can remember by the acronym "STRT":

1* Ask the individual to SMILE.

2* Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) , such as, "It is sunny out today."

3* Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

4* Stick out his/her TONGUE, according to one study. If the tongue is 'crooked' (if it goes to one side or the other) that could be an indication of a stroke.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call 911 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

What is a stroke?

A stroke is a disease that affects the arteries leading to and within the brain. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is either blocked by a clot or bursts. When that happens, part of the brain cannot get the blood (and oxygen) it needs, so it starts to die. It is the number three cause of death in the United States, behind diseases of the heart and cancer, according to the American Stroke Association.

Everyone should take a moment out of their day to review the warning signs of a stroke from the American Stroke Association. It could save your life or the life of a friend/loved one.


*Doctor is Latin for teacher...be a great doctor and teach this to all of your patients*

Stay happy and stay healthy,

Dr. Charles

How to Treat a Sprained Pelvis or Piriformis Syndrome Using the Serola Sacroiliac Belt

This one is for you, doctors! In this video, Dr. Eugene Charles explains how to treat a sprained pelvis (or Piriformis Syndrome) by using the Serola Sacroiliac belt by Dr. Serola. This is a simple, yet effective approach to treat low back pain, sciatica, bladder issues and ovary and prostate problems. It could be worn sitting at your desk at work all day, during exercise or during daily activities. Check out the belt at: http://www.serola.net/



Allergies and Weight Loss

If you think about it, spring is actually the beginning of the new year. It is the time of life and growth and should be the time for us to set new goals and wake up from the cold cocoon of winter. Well, spring is here and so are allergies (for many of us) along with 10 pounds of bloat from too much holiday cheer and too little movement. This epidemic of allergies and weight gain can be disheartening especially when we feel it is a vicious cycle with no end in sight. The good news is, I have developed a remedy that seems to work miracles on both. I am not going to get into the physiology of it here, but the formula I have come up with, after 24 years in practice, to help with spring allergies and weight loss, is becoming known to my patients as "Dr. C's Spring Cleaning Drink" to help with Weight Loss and Allergies.

The formula for Dr. C's Spring Cleaning Drink is:

Dandelion root and apple cider vinegar.That's right, dandelion root and apple cider vinegar mixed with 6 oz of water. Have this three times a day between meals and before bedtime.

1) Dandelion: It's almost as if nature has those pesky dandelions to help us with these 2 common spring time problems. Dandelion is known to help with digestion, liver and kidney function and as a blood purifier. It is believed to get bile flowing, and the fat with it, as well as a diuretic to shed excess water weight. I believe that it can desensitize people to spring time allergens, perhaps by helping the liver.

2) Apple cider vinegar: This product has been used as a weight loss remedy for thousands of years. It may help you to feel full, or just help with digestion. Either way it seems to work. Same with allergies. I know getting alkaline is the current rage, and with good reason, but Dr. Royal Lee, who started Standard Process, the oldest vitamin company in the country, made some compelling points about acidifying the body (intelligently) to help with allergies and arthritis.

Good Brands:

You can use Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar or Heinz. Both yield ideal results.

Naturally check with your physician before starting anything new for possible side effects see here.

For dandelion root, I like to use Nature's Answers Alcohol Free and follow the instructions on how to use it 3 times a day. You can also add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to this to make the spring cleaning drink.

When taking Apple Cider Vinegar, Brush Your Teeth Immediately

Make sure you brush your teeth immediately after drinking apple cider vinegar due to the acidity of the vinegar. If you don't want to bother with adding this to the dandelion, then just do a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar right before bed then brush your teeth with a good baking soda toothpaste like Tom's or Arm and Hammer.

This should help you to become more active and enjoy the beautiful springtime with clear eyes and nose and a leaner waist.

Stay healthy and stay positive.